relove is circularity made simple, allowing you to live with and love your farans product knowing its journey doesn't have to end with you.

The traditional linear approach of "buy, use, bin" taken by fashion brands worldwide not only has vast negative impacts on our planet but also your wallet and the experience of travel. Meaningful alternatives are needed and urgently.

What is relove?

relove offers this alternative experience. We understand that as enduring as farans products are, sometimes you fall out of love. Sometimes they don't quite fit your extensive travel plans. And sometimes, you end up loving an item 'to bits' - literally...

Rather than throwing your loved item away or hiding it in the back of the wardrobe to be forgotten about, relove allows you to trade in your used farans items, no matter the condition, in return for money off your next purchase with us. Your items will then be reviewed and hand sorted in to one of three journeys...

  • resale

    Send your item off to continue its life of journey and adventure in the hands of another avid explorer. Any farans items that are returned in good condition or require a minor touch of TLC will be resold through our monthly Relove Drops on our site, matching your trusted travel companion with a new owner.

  • charity

    Just because an item has a few bumps and bruises doesn't mean its adventures have to end there. For products who have journeyed and picked up a few too many scuffs to be resold, however are still functional, we will donate to our Charity Partners to inspire some travel adventures to those less fortunate

  • recycle

    For those truly well-travelled items, who have been around the world and back and received a bit of an inevitable battering in the process. We will pass these on to our recycling partners where all of the materials will be fully recycled into new products and more

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How long does the relove return process take?

Fill in our relove form in 30 seconds to send us your enquiry.  We will then get back to you via email within 24 hours confirming your relove return, supplying you with a return label and confirming your quoted credit amount. Then pop your item in the post and it should arrive with us within 3-5 working days. As soon as we have verified your item and its condition, we’ll email over your credit code to use on The whole process takes less than a week!

What do I get in return?

In the relove process, you are essentially “selling back” your used farans item. We will provide you with a discount code (equal to a percentage of the items value depending on the condition you send it back in) to use on, to find your next travel companion!

What will happen to my returned item?

Depending on condition, your item will be sorted into one of three journeys; resale, donation or recycle. We ensure that no product goes to waste and goes to a suitable home, allowing you to do your part for sustainable travel accessories.

I’m not sure how to describe my items condition?

Our relove form allows you to describe your item in your own words. Try to be as specific as possible about any damages so our team know what to look for. If you are still unsure, reach out to us at and we’ll be happy to help.