Returns & Refunds

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Can I cancel/amend my order?

Yes, we are able to cancel or amend orders once placed however we are unable to guarantee these changes once the order has been received by our warehouse team as it may already be on its way to you. If any changes are needed, please notify us as soon as possible once the order is placed.

If we do catch your order in time we will be able to amend the delivery addresses or we can cancel your order and refund your payment.

Can I return my farans product?

Sometimes an item arrives and its not quite right; we get it! We will provide a full refund on your item, as long as a returns request is filed within 14 days of delivery. You can submit a return request via our customer contact form here. You will need to provide your order details, item description and reason for return in the form.

Our team will be in touch with 24 hours, providing a returns address for you and details of what to include in your return parcel. You can then send this item back to us via your prefered couirer. Once we receive your return, a full refund will be sent for the total of your returned items.

Please note, we do not currently offer free returns on standard requests and any shipping costs paid for on the original order will not be refunded, only the items value.

Can I exchange my farans product?

If your product has arrived and you would prefer a different colour or style, we will be able to exchange your item as long as an exchange request is filed within 14 days of delivery.

You can submit an exchange request via our customer contact form here. You will need to provide your order details, item description and item you wish to exchange to.

Our team will be in touch with 24 hours, providing a returns address for you and details of what to include in your parcel. You can then send this item back to us via your prefered couirer. Once we recieve your item, we will be in touch to confirm this has been recieved. If a partial refund or further payment is required to match the value of your exchange item, we will do this securely over the phone. Your new item will then be despatched to the address on your original order.

Please note, we do not currently offer free returns on exchange requests and any shipping costs paid for on the orignal order will not be applicable towards your new items value, only the original items cost.

My item arrived damaged, what do I do?

Whilst our items go through thorough checks before being sent out, we understand that sometimes it may arrive with a slight fault or damage. If this occurs, please contact us immediately (we need to know within 5 working days of you receiving a damaged or incorrect order) and we’ll sort it straight away. You can do this by emailing or messaging our live chat room on our site

We’ll ask you to provide a photograph of any damages as well as your order details, at which point a replacement will be sent out via express delivery immediately and we will either arrange for your damaged items to be returned to us or instruct you on how to dispose of this item in a sustainable manner.

When will I receive my refund?

Refunds are sent once an item is delivered and checked in by our returns team. This can take up to 5 days once an item is showing as delivered on courier tracking.

Refunds will always be sent to the same payment method as the original order was placed with and can take between 3 - 5 working days to appear in your account from when a refund is sent.

Can I return my used farans product?

Using relove, you can trade in your used farans items, no matter the condition, in return for credit off your next order with us! Your item will be repurposed through re-sale, charitable donation or recycling, setting off on a new journey whilst you enjoy your brand new travel companion.

Head to our relove homepage here to find out more…